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Custom Next.js image blur placeholders

Next.js Image Optimization is a web framework at its best: Next.js took a huge problem—image loading—that I’d wasted a ton of time making bad solutions to, and made the ideal implementation the default option. The first iteration had serious drawbacks from both API & UX perspectives, but the Vercel team listened, rewrote it, and the newer one is top-tier. It’s perfect vertical integration.

next/image’s blur-up placeholder, controlled by the blurDataURL prop, is a nice progressive enhancement, and a massive improvement for large header backgrounds. If you’re making a low-traffic site, though, the source image for a lander will leave the cache sometimes, and visitors will be left with either nothing (if the image source is remote) or a super low-res placeholder for several seconds while the image resizes and downloads. I was noticing this on the Dispersions website I made, which hosts images on a separate CDN to keep the Git repo smaller.

Talking to next/image author @styfle recently in Indianapolis, he reminded me the blurDataURL generated when you statically import an image is merely the URL to a super tiny version of the image. In production, that’s an image encoded as a (no surprise here) base64 data URL, e.g.


In development, if you inspect the StaticImport object itself, the blurDataURL prop is:

Curious about the discrepancy?

The source code has this comment describing it:

During next dev, we don't want to generate blur placeholders with webpack because it can delay starting the dev server. Instead, next-image-loader.js will inline a special url to lazily generate the blur placeholder at request time.

That URL is resizing the image to 8px wide, then next build is transforming it into a data URL. Therefore, if we want a custom blur-up placeholder that’s higher-quality, or for a remote image, we can:

  1. Get a thumbnail version of our image (say, 12 or 16px wide), either via the /_next/image URL or another resizer
  2. Convert it to base64
  3. Add the prop manually

I wrote a quick macOS Shortcut to do this: after you install it, right-click an image in Finder, click the shortcut, then paste the prop into your Image tag. The Dispersions site now appears to load far faster, with a decent-fidelity blur-up placeholder appearing immediately in the header instead of several seconds of grey waiting.

Screenshot of activating shortcut in macOS Finder

If you’re looking to generate these placeholders automatically from a remote image source, while you could roll your own, I recommend @joe-bell’s plaiceholder project instead, which makes this super easy.